Land Development Conversation: What you Need to Know
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM MST
Acheson Fire Station
11350 274 Street
Acheson, AB
Zone 1
$10.00 Registration fee
Contact Information
Acheson Business Association
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Join the ABA and Parkland County as we host an informal and educational session exploring all things land and site development with Nick Pryce from V3 Companies of Canada.
This session is important for anyone looking to develop or improve land for your own use, or to position your land for sale for future development. It would be of value to anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of the stakeholders that you need to involve and the critical elements required to develop a parcel of land.
Expect to learn about land use policy documents such as development permits, land use bylaws, municipal development plans, area structure plans and conceptual schemes. We'll also cover the development steps, sequencing and costs/timelines associated with this type of growth.
This session is open to anyone seeking to learn more information about developing and building on your land, no matter how big or small!
Coffee and light snacks will be provided.